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In Memory

Alan McCutcheon ('71 Richfield)

Alan McCutcheon ('71 Richfield)

You can leave your own memories of Alan by using the 'Post Comment' button at the bottom of this page.

From Randy Willis:

Once, when I was at UT in the late seventies, I was driving up from Austin to Waco and heard a Georgetown radio dj named Alan McCutcheon, and he sounded just like the Alan McCutcheon I remember from North Waco Elementary. So odd, that I would recognize that voice after a couple decades.

I remember Bob McGregor and I visiting him at his house in elementary school. And I think he lived close to Kathy Sledge. But I didn't know what happend to Alan after elementary school.

I did an image search and this 1986 picture sure looks like him.

He's interviewing Vic Feazell, who was McLennan County District Attorney at one point.

So it looks like Alan ended up in broadcast journalism.

Bob McGregor remembers him as a broadcaster for WACO radio, 1460 AM.

Thom Clark found Alan in the Waco Public Schools Alumni directory, which listed James Alan McCutcheon, Richfield HS Class of 1971 as deceased.

The first/middle name was the key in discovering the following:

Texas, James A McCutcheon, born 12 Nov 1952, died 19 Aug 1994

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07/31/11 05:28 PM #1    

Bob McGregor

My memory of childhood takes me back to Alan. We were in church together, at least for awhile, but my most vivid memories are when we would tinker with "electronics" at my dad's old office on 4th Street. Our electronics experimentation, which wouldn't amount to much by today's standards and what kids now know, meant a lot to us. I wasn't surprised when he went into broadcasting. I also remember Randy and I (I'll give Randy most of the credit) talking Alan into some stuff, on our behalf. I think Alan forgave us! May eternal rest be his. I often wondered what became of him. Thanks, Randy, for making sure Alan was not forgotten.

10/03/13 01:15 PM #2    

Gerald Lindsay

Alan and Tom Brown (both at Richfield HS) were my best friends in HS. They taught me how to drive, and Alan took me for my driving test. Alan loved Captain Beefheart, and could recite the lyrics at will. I drove him to Austin to audition for the UT band. My car ended up blowing the transmission halfway there and we had to hitchhike the rest of the way. He was always there as a friend, listening to my girlfriend troubles, just a great guy all around. I lost touch after HS as my family moved to Virginia.

I was able to contact Tom a  few years ago through the Internet and found that Alan had passed way too young. I was happy to hear though he had a career in both radio and TV which is what he always wanted to do before he left us. He will always be missed.

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