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In Memory

Brenda Iliff (Adams) VIEW PROFILE

Brenda Iliff (Adams)

You can leave your own memories of Brenda by using the 'Post Comment' button at the bottom of this page.

View Brenda's obituary and a nice photo gallery of her life at the Forest Park Funeral Home website.

From Glenn Zgabay Oct 30,2012:

My wife, Susie, and I just got word that Brenda Iliff Adams passed away early this morning. She was in the ICU unit of the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.

 Susie is Brenda's first cousin and I have known Brenda since North Jr. Brenda passed away from ovarian cancer which was first diagnosed about one month ago. At first she was told she had a 90% chance of beating this but yesterday she took a sudden turn for the worst.

[Brenda attended North Junior High and then Waco High until her junior year, when she moved to San Antonio]

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10/30/12 07:15 PM #1    

Robert "Bobby" Strickland (WHS 1970-Richfield '72)

Our lives move in every direction and in the process, we tend to value our lives even more when we here of friends who have been afflicted by cancer. There have been way too many people from my youth growing into their own, only to be taken by a serious illness or accident. Let's take a moment to remember the many great times from back in the day when a light such as Brenda shined in our lives...

God bless the family and to try and affirm some comfort, she is in better hands now!

Bobby Strickland

10/30/12 07:39 PM #2    

Bonnie Britt (Crook)

So sorry to hear about Brenda's passing. She was such a good friend during junior high and early high school, before she moved to San Antonio. My prayers will be with all those close to her.

10/30/12 09:55 PM #3    

Beverly Kirks (Rhea)

Brenda was a wonderful friend-we had such good times together when we were young. I was hoping she would come to our last reunion. The last time I saw her was in San Antonio after she had moved. God bless her wonderful family and give them comfort in their loss.

10/31/12 03:37 PM #4    

Sharon Harris

I am so sorry for Brenda's passing.  She was truly a great person to have in our lives.  May God bring you peace at this time of lost of a loved one.


11/06/12 01:29 PM #5    

Jay Lee

So.sorry to hear about this loss.  Cancer is so cruel. I know it is easy to say she will be in a better place, and truly that is so, but for those left behind it is not easy.  I will miss her as will so many other fine folks.  May the Lord be with her friends and family.

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